Thursday, October 22, 2009

GOOGLE ACCUSED OF VIOLATING LAWS. (The Daily Texan – Thursday October 22)

One of the bigger monsters of the digital business is in problems. One group, called "China Written Works Copy Right Society" has many objections in the Google project called “Google digital library” because some Chinese writers can find theirs texts in the project, but Google don't pay anything for their Copyrights. The article show’s the point of view the Google and the China writers, but says too that China is probably the more questioned Nation in Copyrights laws. For me is necessary that Google in the project observe the international treaties and the American copyrights laws, and is necessary a government supervision in the Google project. But I think too that the digital library project is a big and important project, because is probably the most safety way to preserve the books for the future generations.


  1. hi i think that it is good and bad good for some people like people how do not have money can download any thing from the net like i do not buy the movies o rent them i just go to the net and download them and bad because the people how done this work and work hard for it see there work publeshed without any permation or even get paied for there work.

  2. I think that it is important to protec the intellectual property. There are international laws of intellectual property (TRIPS – Trade related aspects of intelectual property rights) but it is important that the countries make the people and companies obey the law.

  3. hi,
    I think that a comprehensive and variety library of scientific books on an Althagavipodinip Web site is important in present era due to need many people to return to the books, especially students and researchers, including as many of the books can not be present in all States to sell other than the cost of some of them.
