Sunday, November 29, 2009


Many people thought that the new Raul Castro change many things in Cuba but with the time we can´t see any important change, and it´s sad because the people in Cuba don’t want the actual regimen.
I think that USA and the countries of the “first word” should pressure Cuba to change the laws to the political prisoners. I will like ask to the President of USA if he think that economic embargo the U.S. has maintained for the past 40 years over Cuba was successful, because for me the life in the island it´s the same since Fidel Castro took the power-

1 comment:

  1. Adolfo,
    Maybe I didn't write this on your draft, but your comment is really good, and the English in it is good too. It's the perfect kind of comment for NPR. You should comment to other NPR articles! You're good at it...keep it up.
