Tuesday, December 1, 2009
PINT: Is a unit of capacity of liquids. Situation: Supermarket.
STIR: When you are cooking you need stir some foods in the process to avoid it glue to the pot. Situation: cooking.
PILL: It´s a kind of medicine. You can get aspirin in pills. Situation: In the drugstore.
LEASH: You use a leash when you and your dog take a little walk. Situation: In the park.
SPINACH: Popeye´s food. Situation: In the supermarket.
BADGE: It´s the police insigne in their chest. In a movie.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Many people thought that the new Raul Castro change many things in Cuba but with the time we can´t see any important change, and it´s sad because the people in Cuba don’t want the actual regimen.
I think that USA and the countries of the “first word” should pressure Cuba to change the laws to the political prisoners. I will like ask to the President of USA if he think that economic embargo the U.S. has maintained for the past 40 years over Cuba was successful, because for me the life in the island it´s the same since Fidel Castro took the power-
Sunday, November 22, 2009
UNTIDY: When you don´t put your things, or your home things, in the right place. Situation, in your home.
EMERALD: It´s a precious green stone. It´s the green stone for the rings or earrings. Situation, Shopping.
ENGINE: It´s the power of the cars, airplanes, buses, chips. Example, that car is powers by Mercedes Benz engine.
SMOKESCREEN: When you say or do something to distract the attention of the people.
TO SIN: (verb) When you do something forbidden for you for many reasons. The more usual is religion reason.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ireland Cites Uzbekistan-Bahrain Decision in Appeal
This week, France and Ireland played the last game to decide who goes to Soccer World Cup in South Africa 2010. In the last minute Thierry Henry (France Player), touch de ball with his hand and the play ended in scoring which meant the classification of France and the consequent elimination of Ireland. Ireland Soccer Association submitted a formal proposal to FIFA in order that the game is repeated using as a main argument that you can not let the refereeing errors still determine the fate of the teams. It is time that football referees can use the video in order to review plays polemics as allowed in other sports.
For me it's time to allow the use of video in soccer games. The video will be very good tools that change the soccer and allow to the referees take more just decisions.
Study: Repression Continues In Raul's Cuba
The recent study write by Human Rights Watch say that now in Cuba, in the new government of Raul Castro, the situation it´s the same that 4 years ago in the Fidel Castro times. It´s important to USA and Europe see situation of the political prisoners in Cuba.
Many people thought that the new Raul Castro change many things in Cuba but with the time we can´t see any change, and it´s sad because the people in Cuba don’t want the actual regimen.
All the comments are important to me, and all of them say that USA and the countries of the “first word” should pressure Cuba to change the laws to the political prisoners. Other comments, which I think are successful, question the usefulness of the economic embargo the U.S. has maintained for the past 40 years over Cuba.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
STYNKY: The dog is STYNKY. The dog smells bad.
SCOPE: To looking at the telescope. When you are shooting.
TIC TAC TOE: The game when Leah always wins and Adolfo looses. A game when you need put three “X” or “O” together.
PICK ONE FROM HERE: Chose something.
APRON: something to use when you are cooking, and when you are working and you don´t want to get messy.
CORN ON COBB: The corn is on a stick.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The article is about people to love the animals, and help pit bull terriers to find a new home after they have abused by people in dogs fights.
For me it´s a great news, because these kind of dogs have a bad name and the people be scared of them. These animals have abused by bad people that have money for dog’s fight.
In my country fight dogs has sacrificed always, they don´t have a second chance.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009.
Austin was awarded the 2009 National Outstanding Large Employer Of The Year award. The city employs more than 1200 veterans. It´s great, because the veterans have many skills to do works in many areas. The works for veterans are a reward for his sacrifice to defend this country.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Edie Lucio is a young politician who explained it was in UT students the importance of self marketing themselves. The idea is to take our weaknesses and they could be turned into strengths that will help to highlight to achieve a goal we have.
Take as an example his political campaign, in which he compared to his father that he's equally is also political, and told his young age and how we can change those weaknesses and make them strengths.
I think is really important for our life’s ear that histories because we can use it in ours objectives.
My news of choice it’s about one simple question “How much is it your shoes? , and so many people answer “only 30 or 35 dollars” but this is not true. To make one shoes the industries takes a lot of materials and resources to make that shoes, for example, electricity, work time, materials and more, and all this things have a cost for de planet. The columnist wants’ to tell the readers how its important think in the different cost that have our life styles because when the people go to the stores never think in the real cost to use the shoes, cell phones, computers and all the other thinks that we buy to maintenance our moderns life’s. Don´t forget our planet “The World Wild Life Fund´s living Planet Report states that we will require two Earth’s worth of resources by 2030 in order to sustain our current lifestyles…..” Think about it, in your next shopping.
Monday, November 2, 2009
WARNING: When the police officer stops you and don´t give you a ticket.
GUAVA: It´s a tropical fruit.
DIAPER: It is used to avoid the babies soiling his pants.
CAVE: It´s a hole in a mountain or in the earth.
INSURANCE: It´s a contract to protect you or protect your properties.
BLANKET: When you are in your bed and you feel cold, you need an extra blanket.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Chris Nielson has a good idea, he wants to use small and electrical vehicles (golf cars) and incorporate it in to the Austin public transportation system. One of the better things of these systems it´s 25% more efficient in gas consumer. But this option needs specials license. Two years ago he fight for public ordinance to back to his plan, but is not easy, many experts have some safety observations and now this option is only a plan.
I think that incorporated these systems in de public transportation is a good idea, first, because is friendly whit the planet and two, is a cheap option to make better the Austin transportation publics system. To make a transportation system better is necessary have many options, like cycles routes, taxis in the streets, more bus routes and more.
I need ask you a question. For you, the public transportation in Austin is good?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
GOOGLE ACCUSED OF VIOLATING LAWS. (The Daily Texan – Thursday October 22)
One of the bigger monsters of the digital business is in problems. One group, called "China Written Works Copy Right Society" has many objections in the Google project called “Google digital library” because some Chinese writers can find theirs texts in the project, but Google don't pay anything for their Copyrights. The article show’s the point of view the Google and the China writers, but says too that China is probably the more questioned Nation in Copyrights laws. For me is necessary that Google in the project observe the international treaties and the American copyrights laws, and is necessary a government supervision in the Google project. But I think too that the digital library project is a big and important project, because is probably the most safety way to preserve the books for the future generations.